A Risotto For When You’d Like To Indulge Just a Little Bit…
One of my favorite things to make is risotto, so it was about time that I found recipe to review that brought me the pleasure of making it again. There’s just something so soothing about stirring the pot and adding more broth to cook the arborio rice pellets. Since we got back from our vacation in Las Vegas, I’ve been cooking up recipes that were very much on the lighter side–and rightfully so. Now that we’ve been back, I had quite the craving for cooking something a little involved.
This creamy risotto is certainly one that I’d like to make again. Perhaps even switch up the protein or maybe serve it with sautéed shiitake mushrooms–but I’m getting ahead of myself here. Let’s talk about where we got this recipe today!
Today’s recipe is courtesy of Three Olives Branch. The recipe can be found right -> here!
Perfectly Timed Instructions
When cooking, it is always best to read the instructions before you begin attempting the recipe. For starters, it familiarizes you with the equipment you’ll need. It will also give you an opportunity to prep some of the needed ingredients, like the red onion, arborio rice, chicken stock, and even the wine. Those you’d like to have ready before you start your risotto for sure.
But when talking about the perfectly timed instructions, I’d like to mention that this recipe should be followed exactly. When you start cooking your chicken on the stovetop, then you should already be warming up your chicken stock and melting the butter. Cooking the chicken on the stovetop is meant to form that yummy crust. The rest of the cooking will be done in the oven. The recipe doesn’t state how long to cook the chicken, only to cook it to a safe to consume internal temperature of 165 F. For my pieces of chicken breast, it took about 15-16 minutes at 350 F.

By the time that both sides of the chicken breast are browned, you’ll be ready to actively work on the risotto. In my case, the chicken only took the previously mentioned 15-16 minutes, so I was still cooking the risotto while the chicken rested. That’s a good thing because without touching the chicken, we were guaranteed delicious and juicy chicken.
Here is my one note: because this dish uses parmesan and pesto in the risotto, limit the amount of salt you’re using all around. I ended up over seasoning my chicken a bit. So use more pepper a much less salt on the chicken. You’ll still get that nice browning ;).
I also ended up using store bought pesto, which could have changed things a bit. Homemade pesto for this recipe will taste just as good, if not better! Lucky for you, this recipe includes a link to homemade pesto which is a breeze to make.
My recommendation for the risotto is to only warm up 3 cups of chicken stock, unless you intend on storing it again. 6 cups ended up being too much for me. However, you keep an eye on your risotto and see if it needs more. Remember that you still want a bit of a bite to it. A soggy, mushy risotto is not the kind you want.

Grey’s Grade: 5/5
It’s not always that you make such indulgent meals, but that just makes them so much more enjoyable when they’re seen as a treat. Today’s recipe is an absolute treat. It’s creamy, cheesy, herby, and just absolutely delectable.
Despite it looking like it could be ordered off a restaurant menu, it comes together easily and tastes delicious.
For my next time making this, I would make some changes in seasoning of the chicken, or even switch up the topping. Perhaps another protein or maybe some roasted veggies. I feel that maybe sautéed shiitake mushrooms would complement this dish well. But if you prefer to stick to the recipe as is, then please do so. It really is an excellent recipe that I do not hesitate giving a full 5/5.
If you’re looking for a recipe for risotto, then truly give this one a try.
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