Not Endorsed
Hello again, fellow foodies and home cooks!
It’s been a while since I posted, but that’s because this review of Plated has been in the works since the last time I reviewed a recipe. I wanted some time to really process this.
With this being my second meal kit subscription, I already had a foundation of another box to have some expectations. But we’re here to talk about what makes Plated different and who it would be perfect for.
What the heck is Plated?
Plated is another meal kit subscription box that sends you measured out produce and protein that is accompanied by the recipe card. So, from recipe card to plate, you have a meal that will feed 2-4 people (depending on the plan that you choose). I needed two servings, so I chose the standard plan.
The type of food found on Plated’s web can be described as a mix of more “every-day” cooking and sometimes a little bit more on the gourmet side. Now– we’re not talking about steaks every week and caviar, okay? The occasional steak is possible, as well as even a scallop piccatta. Overall, the meals are pretty standard. So, if you’re looking for every day cooking with a pinch of something different, you may consider trying this meal kit.

What Can I Expect? What Do I Get?

Great question! When you sign up, you choose what type of plan you’re signing up under. Whether you’re looking to feed more than 2 people, and the type of food you like to eat the most. With that basic customization, you’re taken to the weekly menu. By default, you receive 2 recipes. Per week, that came out to be 47.80 USD, but if you find you need more than that for the week, you can always add more. Keep in mind there is an additional charge for that. When I was dog sitting for a friend of mine, I ended up ordering an extra meal to make during my stay there.
Okay, that’s pretty standard…what makes Plated different?
You can add desserts! Just like the meals, they’re simple to make. If you’re already low on time to cook, why would you spend even more on dessert, right? So, that’s a win-win for you!
How Was the Food?
This is where I get into the nitty gritty. I enjoy cooking and I’m open to trying new dishes, but after trying 5 different recipes, I have to say I wasn’t very impressed. There’s a lot goes into this, too.
The recipes weren’t difficult to make, but I definitely felt less confident cooking these meals than I did with other subscriptions, or even other recipes outside of meal kits. I found there to be less guidance with these recipes. With this being a meal kit, I would have expected a little bit more tips for which tools I should use. Not all pans are the same, friends!
Keep in mind that I am in no way a professional, so I actually do appreciate reading “Use a non-stick pan” when I test recipes. Not so much for my meal to turn out great on the first try, but to also learn going forward. Cooking is like anything else in life. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. We learn from mistakes, but when we’re not provided the best directions? Well, it’s tough to pick up these tips and tricks.
What Did I Try?
If you’re curious to see what I made, you can see my reviews here:
Grey’s Grade: 2/5
This meal kit craze is definitely here, so you’re bound to run into MANY different types of subscriptions that vary from diet to diet, and of price. This really comes down to your preference in recipes. There weren’t as many recipes for low-carb meals, which is what I was looking for, but of course that’s not the reason for my low grade.
The quality of food wasn’t my favorite and I didn’t find the portion sizes to be accurate for every meal. I don’t eat a lot myself, but every weekend I cook for myself and my boyfriend, so it didn’t work out for us. Plus, I didn’t feel very confident when making these meals. I get a lot of joy from cooking, and I honestly felt more stressed when servings didn’t turn out properly or if something just seemed off.
Sorry Plated, but we just weren’t a good match.
I wouldn’t steer you away, dear friends, because I always encourage you all to try new things, but if you’re looking to save some money—I’d consider doing some more research on Plated, or any other subscription meal kit for that matter.
As always I hope that you have an amazing day and happy nomming!
being the photographer i am, i really want to be able to blow up the pictures of the food to get a better view of them
The food looks lovely from the photos but t that price I’d expect much better quality and guidance! I really like the idea of meal kits but I just can’t justify it – $12 for one serving seems insane when I’m usually making meals that cost around £1 or less per serving.
Exactly! And keeping in mind, you’re only getting 2 recipes. If you want more, you pay extra. On the week I had 5 recipes, I believe I paid around 60 USD. For review purposes, sure, but for weekly shipments? I can’t justify that either.
If you have a free box to try–by all means, go for it, but definitely give it some thought before signing up.
Thanks so much for your comment! 🙂