GreyEyes Reviews: FaceTory

**This is not endorsed**

Hello again, my darlings!

It’s a brand new day and you’re getting ready to OWN it! Have you considered adding sheet masks to your routine? If not, I highly recommend them. Korean sheet masks are popping up in most major retailers–like Target, Walgreens,World Market, and most beauty supply stores. They’re easy to use and leave your face moisturized and feeling super soft.

In Illinois, these sheet masks tend to cost about 3-5 USD. If you’re using a couple a week, then it will certainly start to add up. Especially if you’re on a budget.

This is where I tell you that I’ve found a solution to that!

Meet Facetory.

This is a subscription service specifically for Korean sheet masks, as well as other Korean beauty products.

Depending on how many sheet masks you’d like to use each month, there are multiple tiers of subscriptions. For testing purposes, I chose the “4-Ever Fresh Kit”, which included 5 sheet masks. The standard includes 4, but I used a promo code upon signing up to add an additional mask. So far, I’ve only gone through 3, since I didn’t want to use them all in one week.

If you’ve tried sheet masks before, then you know how great they can be for your skin! If you haven’t–imagine it as a neat way to have a mini spa treatment on your face before you get going for the day–or the night! Whichever you’d prefer.

I personally love using it right after I shower and dry my face. After I use my mask, I continue my usual routine.

You can choose how you’d like to be billed, and if you’re looking to save money and/or unsure of a product–I recommend choosing monthly. I really enjoyed the goodies I received this month, so I’ll definitely be sticking around. Perhaps my next order will be a switch from 4-Ever Fresh to Lux Box!

Now while the product is great for those who are looking for sheet masks, their overall customer service is great! I was given the option of receiving alerts on the status of my order. A few days after receiving my order, Facetory checked in with me to see what I thought.

Now, that’s great service. It wasn’t suffocating–I just felt taken care of.

Grey’s Grade: 4.5/5

I would have given Factory a full 5/5, but I have one suggestion that I feel would be helpful to many people: an allergy checklist of some sort. I never think about it because luckily I’m not allergic to much more than the seasonal mold and pollen. I do bring this up because I had a more noticeable reaction when I used a sheet mask with gold foil on it.

I’m a live streamer as well, so I was a little shocked to see that reaction 5 minutes before I had to be live. Thank goodness for foundation. Of course, I didn’t know I would have this reaction, but for those who know they have skin sensitivities, it would be nice to notate that on their subscriptions.

Regardless, Facetory–you will be seeing me again for my sheet mask fix!

Happy Masking!