Hello, Blue Apron Calling!
Hello again, my lovelies!
The next few reviews will be of a handful of recipes that I received from Blue Apron. My best friend sent me a free box to try out and I ended up signing up to see what else Blue Apron has to offer. To be honest, I’ve been DYING to try these subscription boxes.
It’s finally happening!
Haven’t heard of it? Well, it’s a subscription box that brings you everything you need for a selected amount of meals. Your ingredients are measured out and packaged together in a way so you simply can’t make a mistake. Even better? You decide what day your delivery will arrive. Going on vacation? You can pause your subscription as well!
So, why did I keep going after the free box? Value.
In general I would end up spending about 40-50 USD on groceries for the weekend alone. Most of it was for dinners, but also to pick up a drink or two. The subscription tier that I chose costs me 48.90 USD for two flavorful recipes that leave me with ZERO waste. That’s my least favorite thing–wasting food. Again, if you’ve read my previous posts then you know that I cook on the weekends when I stay with my boyfriend. If there were leftover ingredients, he wouldn’t be able to get to them due to how little time he has during the week to actually get to make something using the leftover ingredients. Understandable, which is exactly why I look for recipes that would result in as little waste as possible.
With the two recipes that we received, we had little to no waste, which was wonderful news! This went especially for the recipe we’re looking at for this review: Chicken & Curry Mustard. YUM!

I was honestly impressed with how the box was packaged and separated. There was a larger bag that contained the spices and any liquids that were needed for the recipe. Everything was measured out and prepared, even the chicken. I had a knife READY to cut up the chicken breast. Nope! Never in my life had I seen packed chicken breast that was already cut up into portions. That literally blew my mind.
And if you know me, then you know I don’t like to spend too much time in the kitchen on the weekends, so when I saw this meal only took 25 minutes to make, I was expecting 30-40 minutes, due to any needed prep.
It literally took 25 minutes. As the rice and veggies simmered, the rest came together very quickly.
Okay, okay–Grey, you said it’s easy to prepare and the packaging is awesome, but how did it taste? Was it worth the excitement?

Grey’s Grade 4.5/5
For starters, making this dish was super quick, and as an added plus–it was ACTUALLY flavorful. However, there are some things that I’d change, or at least recommend for future samplers of this recipe.
I’d definitely decrease the amount of apple cider vinegar in the curry sauce for sure. The curry powder itself is strong on its own, so adding more acidity didn’t help as much. While everything is also portioned out correctly, decreasing the spices and vinegar would help tremendously. Other than that, I think the recipe was quite tasty. If I made the changes I mentioned, I’d definitely want to make it again.
Till next time–
I wish you happy nomming!
This looks incredible!